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Step by Step Guide to Level the Concrete Floors

concrete_repair_1-300x176.pngOver the period of time, the floor construction becomes weak and it starts making the cracks on the floor. In most cases, the concrete floor develops an uneven ground problem. In most of the cases, it might not be easily noticeable from the top. The expert person can determine whether the floor is having an uneven ground problem. The rough ground makes the big cracks on the floor. It will cause the noticeable dip in the surface and provide the access to the moisture.

Generally, the cracks happen in the room where you deal with water. The basements where clothes washers and heaters are kept are a most common place of ground damage. The water leakage builds the moisture in the cracks which break the concrete. You should repair the damage as quickly as possible as it might become a serious problem.

Fixing a damage can be challenging if the person doesn't have a basic understanding of how ground leveling works. You also need to know about the equipment that you require to level the ground by applying the concrete to the damaged area. By inspecting the damaged area you can decide what type of tools you requires and the filling material for the cracks.

If the cracks are big and spread all over the room, then you might require the help of an expert to fix the problem. Some cracks look small at first view, but when you start working on the ground you might notice the cracks are spread to many other areas than you expected.

Leveling concrete floor is not a difficult job, but it sometimes requires a strong person to do lifting and carrying heavy material from one room to another. You also need the right type of repair equipment to apply the concrete and level it. If you do not have them, then you might have to rent some special equipment from the local hardware store.

Once you have all the required equipment and stuff around you, the first step is removing all the furniture and appliances from the damaged area. The repair work that you are going to undertake will damage your home equipment or make them dirty. Also, while working you need plenty of space to work comfortably. When you have free space around you, you can easily complete the work in time.

Step by Step guide to Level Concrete Floor:

In the next step use the marking chalk to mark the damaged area, so you know in what part you have to work. Once you mark the spots on the floor with the "x", decide how much filling material you require.

After that, mix the batch of concrete repair mix according to the requirement. Follow the manufacturing company instruction. You can find the details on the package. Use water to mix the material and start filling in the cracks. If the cracks are too deep, then use the tools to put the mixed dip in the ground. Make sure you are filling the cracks properly. The mix should reach the end of the ground.

Apply the mix to all the spots that you mark before starting the work. Once it is done, allow it to dry. It might take a few days to dry the concrete. There is some type of concrete that dries instantly. The drying procedure will completely depend on the type of concrete you are using it. Take care of the safety while working with the materials. Use eye protection glasses and face mask.

After the work is done clean the concrete floor properly. Check for the particles and wipe them out. Remove any trace of grease, oil, concrete particles or any debris left on the floor. Once cleaning has allowed the floor to dry.

You might require applying one more layer of soft concrete. Check if the floor is evenly leveled. If you feel the floor has up and downside in any corner and it doesn't look even then make another concrete mix to apply to the floor. Spread the mix all over the floor evenly. Use level measuring tool to see the ground if it is in perfectly leveled. After your work is done, keep the floor dry for a few days. Before keeping furniture and equipment on the floor examine it again and confirm that it is properly dried.


By following this procedure you can easily fix the floor crack problem and make the concrete even on the floor. You do not require much practice to fix the floor cracking problem. Just use the basic tools and good quality concrete to complete the work.

Concrete leveling


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