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Excellent interview about sacred geometry with the creator of the 'Thrive' film .

Amazing interview with Foster Gamble. This video interview is set up with a navigation popup panel and web links to variouswebsites and also clips which are covered. 

Sacred Geometry comes with no dogma, yet it is an ancient magical tradition which has affected every singlemajor religion. The study of the primordial shapes naturally leads us to contemplation of where these designs appear from, what is the origin of their manifest substance? It is in fact the examination of the fundamental patterns of reality. It is a little known technique of great artistry, a key to ecologically beneficial technology, and a light on the pathway which leads beyond belief systems into the ubiquitous reality.
Foster Gamble and his other half Kimberly are the producers of the most frequently viewed independently produced documentary ofall time 'Thrive', that has been viewed over 80 million timesin 27 languages. Narada is the creator of Sacred Geometry Forum and uses this chance to ask Foster about his interest in sacred geometry, his visit to the world's oldest Flower of Life design in Egypt in 2017, and the reason that he feels geometry is an vital ingredient in the awakening of people everywhere.


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